Lana Dandan is a first generation Lebanese-American video, photo and installation artist based in Los Angeles, who spent her childhood in the United States and adolescence in Beirut,Lebanon. Life in Beirut became the core of her inspirations and burdens, both of which motivate her practice. Caught between here and there, then and now, acutely aware of impermanence, she is a member of the in between, a product of contradictory ideas and images.

Lana’s work has been shown at venues in Beirut, Berlin, Los Angeles and the Bay Area. She earned her BA in Visual Media Arts from Emerson College, and her MFA from California College of theArts. She has spent time not only working as an independent artist, but also in film production and promotion, working for organizations such as the San Francisco International Film Festival,SF Film Archive, and Al Jazeera America. 

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